Sunday, May 3, 2009

okay, so I just downloaded a bunch of music taken of Game Soundtracks. They're all energetic, fast-paced, and....and....TRASH MUSIC, YEAH!

but it's just a coincidence. I doubt i'll ever happen to download a bunch of trash-trax together. But still, it's pretty awesome. They work wonders for me, especially on the MRT. It was raining like crazy on Wednesday, and damn. The "trash trax" were seeeerious compliment to the entire journey.

It's what I like about music. Add rhythm, pace, tempo, energy, or anything that has something to do with music into a bit of what of do everyday. It will help make it alot more enjoyable.

Alright, so this weekend is a long weekend. Friday was a holiday, labour day. It wouldn't have made much of a difference if there was college on Friday anyway, I only have morning school on Fridays;

The long weekend was...okay. Caught up with ZM, Ken, and CS. ZM already looked hooked unto NFS Most Wanted as I reached CS's place. I can't remember exactly how we spent the day, but but was mostly co-operative playing, and that's it. Ken had a screwed up Lenovo ThinkPad for a Notebook, and poor Ken. He has Mac envy, he envies CS's MacBook pro.

Saturday was supposedly a movie with 2/7, but it got cancelled because everyone, all of a sudden, had something on (gee, didn't we all see that one coming?). Seriously, everyone these days claims to be busy, even if they're just involved with the smallest of things. It's just stupid, way too few people have actual time for each other. It's such a cold place.

ZM said he wanted to go over to CS's place (yes, again) to play. I thought it would be nice, and I went over. We talked about all sorts of things. It got particularly interesting at one point, I said the people in my school were nice, and that the people here were very neutral. ZM said these people think too little, and that's why people like these will never be able to do politics. CS added on, he said people like this may be nice, but will just get boring over time.

To be honest, i'd prefer if everyone stayed this way. At least no one holds any grudges on anyone of any sort, at least there's care. But then again, they might get boring, and again, they can't do politics -there just isn't a opinion strong enough to trigger anything at all.

but then again.

It's godsend that none of our lecturers have given us any homework of any sort, which is surprising, because, in secondary AND primary school, teachers always took advantage of holidays. Always. Ah well. So, we've got this newspaper article thing we have to do for BSE. But the deadline is next term!

The was a POA test, which I was pretty confident of, until I was dumbfounded by the first question: the accounting equation. Unbelievably, I forgot my accounting equation. On the bright side, I could do everything else. Lesson learnt: there's nothing like revision. That in mind, there's another test coming up, about Ledger accounts. It isn't bad at all, but really, it's something the class dreads as a whole. Not sure if what i'm saying is well-expressed through these words, but hopefully people get my drift. I lack the ability to put myself into word at the most crucial times, which is why I can never win an argument with my siblings. I feel so stupid all the time.

Mr. Chin said that it's a good effort to make everyday your best. Look into the mirror, say "today is going to be a great day!", put on a smile, and start your day off right. It did make sense, at CCKSS, whenever I was feeling down and heartbroken inside, I could always count on what's outside: the smile which made me feel so much better everyday. So what if we're pretending to be happpy? It's better than a sulky face that wards off people anyway. Like what Mr. Chin said, emotions spread. We're all human, we can understand each other (unless of course, you aren't human). Happiness can spread, anger can spread, and negativity too can spread. Thing is, negativity spreads faster than anything else. Happiness is just taken for granted all the time, being happy is said to be normal. Truth is, it isn't staying happy just isn't as easy as it sounds, as people become more dynamic, and people are under pressure all the time, living up to this and that, commitments, responsibilities, planning every single move, blahblahblah. Where's the happiness in that? There's satisfaction, but no happiness. Satisfaction=/=Happiness, just like how Simple=/=Easy, and how Feedback=/=Complaining, etc etc. These little things do matter, and they have whole different meanings to them.

That leads us to being optimistic, rather than pessimistic. Well, so be it. Being optimistic isn't a bad thing at all, it can help in so many ways pessimism can't.

i'll figure this out, one day. I've got to go sleep, maybe i'll continue talking about this in my next post.



December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
October 2010

the individual
Seventeen Forever
"you have my sympathy"
end of the line
Reality Bites
Apple's ads suck.
finally, a day out
together we cry