...is a technique used in Hollywood films / model photo shots/ other stuf lol. Color Correction is extremely powerful when applied correctly unto film, although thanks to today’s wonders of video/photo editing software, any idiot can color correct their photos to give them a richer feel, or a less exaggerated feel. It depends on the photo itself. If the photo is taken on a nice n’ sunny day, then you would probably want to give the photo a warm feel with bright and exaggerated colors to show off the bright sky and lush greens. If the photo was taken under cooler lighting situations, such as an room interior with a fluorescent lamp, then you probably want the photo to have a cool feel with less brightness and less vibrancy. No 2 photos are the same. Every single photo uses different values of Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Color Temperature. Getting these values right would result in successfully “Color correcting” the photo/movie.I had a couple of pictures of CCKSS in my inbox (IT club is involved in yet another project), and Color Correction came to my mind (don’t know why though). So, I ended up editing these photos, experimenting with etc etc etc...the results were pretty surprising and incredible, I just have to share them here. It’s worth a look.
If you have your screen’s brightness set to a high value, you will notice the changes in the photos right away.
BE WARNED: Image is huge, and WILL take time to load.